Sunday, January 13, 2008

1 - psychiatry mcqs - 1 to 14

1) Schizopherenia term coined by –

a. Eugene Blueler

b. Kraplein

c. Freud

d. None of the above

Answer (a) Eugene Bleuler

Reference: Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry 9th Edition Page 471

2) All are First rank symptoms of Schizophrenia except

a. Audible Thoughts

b. Thought Broadcasting

c. Voice arguing or discussing or both

d. Perplexity

Answer (d) Perplexity

Reference: Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry 9th Edition Page 473

3) Splitting of personality was first described by

a. Blueler

b. Adolf Meyer

c. Harry Stack Sullivan

d. Kraplein

Answer (A) Bleuler

Reference: Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry 9th Edition Page 471

4) Schizo pherenia is a disorder of

a. Thought

b. Mood

c. Perception

d. None of the above

Answer ( A) Thought

Reference: Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry 9th Edition Page 471

5) An example of Atypical Antipsychotic drug is

a. Phenothiazines

b. Butyrophenones

c. Clozapine

d. Fluphenazine

Answer (C) CLozapine

Reference: KDTripathi 5th Edition Page 391

6) Extra pyramidal Symptom are commonly Seen in treatment with

a. Anti psychotic Drugs

b. Diuretics

c. Antibiotics

d. Bronchodialtors

Answer (a) Antipsychotic Drugs

Reference: KDTripathi 5th Edition Page 397

7) Following are variables enhancing risk of suicide among vulnerable group except

a. Living with parents

b. Homosexuals

c. Increasing agitation

d. Family History of Suicide

Answer (a) Living with parents

Reference: Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry 9th Edition Page 913

8) Treatment of ADHD involves the following drugs except

a. Amphetamine

b. Antidepressants

c. Barbituarates

d. Lithium carbonate

Answer C) Barbituates

Reference:Nelson 15th Edition Chapter 30.2

9) The following Delusions are common in depression except

a. Delusion of poverty

b. Delusion of Nihilism

c. Delusion of grandeur

d. Delusion of persecution

Answer c) Delusion of Grandeur

Reference: Ahuja 4th Edition page 67

10) Disorientation is most commonly seen in

a. Organic Brain damage

b. Schizophrenia

c. Mania

d. None of the above

Answer a) Organic Brain Damage

Reference: Ahuja 4th Edition page 67

11) Modified ECT is not given frequently in routine practice because of

a. Non availability of anesthetist

b. Myocardial infarction

c. Osteoporosis

d. All of the above

Answer A) Non availability of anaesthetists


12) About Gille de tourette syndrome

a. Upper limb tics

b. Appears prior to 7 years of age

c. shouting obscene words

d. All of these

Answer d) all of these

Reference: Nelson 15th Edition Chapter 22

13) Anitdote for methanol

a. Ethanol

b. BAL


d. None of the above

Answer a) Ethanol

Reference: Tripathi 5th Edition Page 355

14) All of the following are True about Buspirone except

a. Is a Azapirone

b. Produces severe sedation

c. Antidepressant

d. No anticonvulsant action

Answer : b) Produces severe sedation

Reference: KDTripathi 5th Edition Page 401

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